Welcome to ADEFO-MAP

The Ateker Multi – Actor Partnership


Fostering the inclusion of smallholders and small and

medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into commercial chains.

About US

Get to know us

Why the Map?

Smallholder farmers and farmer groups in Teso sub-region required a process that increases their capabilities to make choices and to influence collective decisions towards desired actions and outcomes on the basis of those choices, an opportunity which a MAP provides.

Our Formation

SOCADIDO and Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V. facilitated the establishment and institutionalisation of a multi-sectoral development forum as a Multi-Actor-Partnership (MAP) with representatives from key actors and institutions for the joint concerted effort to strengthen the economic power and social resilience.

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Increased access to financing & extension services

Are you looking to Support Ateker?

We are here to create a lasting partnership to create a lasting impact.

How do we help?

Our Main Focus

Recently Work Completed

Our Project Showcase

Power full Team

Meet our Team

Diocesan Development Coordinator

Human Resource Officer

Project Coordinator

District Project Coordinator

District Project Coordinator

District Project Coordinator

District Project Coordinator

District Project Coordinator

Communication & Visibility Officer

Procurement Officer

Admin Assistant


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