• +256772000000
  • info@adefo-map.org
  • Plot 27, Serere Rd, Soroti City
About Us

Welcome to ADEFO – MAP

Teso sub region, faces a number of vulnerabilities such as high poverty level emanating from limited access to production assets and low agricultural productivity that constitute the main sector resulting to: low household incomes, food and nutrition insecurity; low access to education facilities, high disease burden; and prone to the effects of climate change such as prolonged dry spells, flooding and water logging in low lying areas. Thus, Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V., and SOCADIDO facilitated the process for the establishment of Teso Development Forum as a multi actor partnership (MAP).
Smallholder farmers and farmer groups in Teso sub-region required a process that increases their capabilities to make choices and to influence collective decisions towards desired actions and outcomes on the basis of those choices, an opportunity which a MAP provides.
Multi-Actor Partnerships (MAP) enable meaningful collaboration among actors along value chains to connect and accelerate bigger impact to achieve urgent results and changes that contribute to sustainable development. For value chains to work best, the actors must cooperate to produce higher-quality products and generate more income for all individual actors along the chain, as opposed to the simplest kinds of value chains, in which producers and buyers exchange only price information, often in a competitive mode.

Our Objective

The typical goal of multi-actor value chain partnership is the inclusion of smallholders and small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) into commercial chains.

Our Principle

Effective documentation, experience capitalisation and sharing of lessons and good practices among and between various actors.

Key Of Success

Aligning and contextualising the implementation and monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks to ensure coherence in the operationalisation of MAP

Our History

Teso is an agricultural producing sub region with over 80% of the people relying on agriculture for their livelihood. Despondently, farmers still practice subsistence farming and employ rudimentary technologies for production, which is worsened by climate change. The smallholder farmers’ inability to access agricultural financing and extension services as well as adequate markets remain a major challenge. Different stakeholders are implementing various programs in several sectors including agriculture, health, and governance among others that are very vital for the development of the Teso sub region; however, there is no coordination among the actors. This causes duplication of effort and resource use inefficiencies.
SOCADIDO and Hoffnungszeichen | Sign of Hope e.V. facilitated the establishment and institutionalisation of a multi-sectoral development forum as a Multi-Actor-Partnership (MAP) with representatives from key actors and institutions for the joint concerted effort to strengthen the economic power and social resilience of about 75,000 households in Teso sub-region in Eastern Uganda. The MAP platform focuses on agriculture value chains whose outcome will have positive ripple effects on the livelihood, poverty reduction, and healthcare as priority sectors. This therefore, will help solve the not meaningful and scattered development interventions occurring in Teso sub-region because each actor is operating individually resulting in a lot of duplication and wastage of resources. By the actors coming together in a MAP, Teso sub-region expect streamlined and coordinated development efforts and resources to benefit the smallholder farmers and marginalised communities.

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Multi Actor Partners

ADEFO – MAP involves different actors coming together in the Steering Committee to apply the agreed principles for the best achievement of the goals and objectives.

View All partners

Pentecostal Assemblies of God

Pentecostal Assemblies of God – West Teso Pastorate established a development arm called   PAG-KMDP in 2004 now PAG West Teso Pastorate Social Development Services (PAG-WTP/SDS) with a Vision to attain a self-reliant and God-fearing community of West Teso Pastorate by 2040. Our Mission is to empower communities in West Teso Pastorate to improve and sustain their standard of living using a holistic development approach based on the values of holiness, justice and integrity. PAG-WTP/SDS is also an umbrella network organization that include Kaberamaido District NGO Forum (KADINGOF), Kaberamaido Network of AIDS Service Organizations (KABENASO) and Disaster Risk Reduction Platform for Teso (DRRP4T).

Katakwi Ray of Hope (RoHO)

Katakwi Ray of Hope (RoHO) is a community based registered NGO with its headquarters located in Katakwi town council. RoHO has been in existence since the year 2010 with registration No INDP0002258NB with the NGO board, with its partnership oriented approach that focuses on securing partnership resources from the established development partners to support deliver the strategic development aspirations, goal and vision.
The organisation was formulated as a result of reflection of challenges that the communities of Katakwi face in terms of addressing the socio-economic gaps that exist in the community. In this regard, RoHO works with community structures like women, men, youth, and children, HIV/AIDs, PWDs and small holder farmers to share and manage community needs, challenges and concerns. RoHO is comprised of general assembly, board members and the secretariat who operate on the policy model of organisation governance and management.

Teso Private Sector Development Center (TESOPS)

Teso Private Sector Development Center (TESOPS) is a registered Company Limited by Guarantee without a share Capital that provides capacity Development services in the eight districts of Teso sub region (Soroti, Kumi, Katakwi, Kaberamaido, Amuria, Bukedea, Serere and Ngora).
 The Centre started as a Program of Government of Uganda and United Nations Development Programme in 1998 under the 1st Country Cooperation Framework (CCF) focuses at promoting: Private Sector Development for Sustainable Human Development Programme for Poverty Eradication.
The beneficiaries of the centre services include CBOs, local governments, active poor owners of micro and small enterprises, people with disabilities, women, youth, IDPs and people living with HIV/AIDS.
TESOPS is promoted, by 39 organizations/ institutions, local governments from 8 districts of Soroti, Kumi, Katakwi, Kaberamaido, Amuria, Bukedea, Serere and Ngora of Teso sub region.
TESOPS is currently implementing a project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA) responsible for the Establishment of Community Savings and Credit Groups (CSCGs) from 2018 to November 2021.TESOPS is working in the four Districts of Teso Sub region of Soroti, Serere, Amuria and Katakwi respectively

Creative Initiative for Enterprise Development (CIfED)

Creative Initiative for Enterprise Development (CIfED) is a social Enterprise that was registered in
2013 to respond to challenges caused by escalating poverty levels faced by the households in the
Teso sub region. Currently CIfED has program presence in the Districts of Kaberamaido, Soroti
and Serere. CIfED pursues integrated approaches that support communities to become more selfreliant and regain control of their own development. CIfED targets the most vulnerable farming
communities especially women and youth who are faced with many social injustices including
limited access to resources and no bargaining power. The community members are organized into
Rural Producer Groups and after capacity building are registered at Sub County level.


Implementation Plan

The overall goal of the MAP is to build the capacity of the actors and ensure their sustainability in the Teso sub region. The capacity of all the MAP actors will be developed simultaneously by focusing on the implementation of the MAP at three critical target levels: The coordinating container, implementation framework, and evaluation framework. For this, the following guide the institutional development plan for the MAP:
Strengthening the capacity of the multi actor partnership through recruitment and retooling of discipline-specific professionals to backstop the implementation processes.
Conducting capacity building trainings based on the implementation framework.
Aligning and contextualizing the implementation and monitoring, evaluation and learning frameworks to ensure coherence in the operationalization of MAP.
Developing user-friendly curricular for various actors through stakeholder engaging process in workshops-hands-on trainings to promote buy-in and ownership to develop required competencies of the MAP.
Continuous engagement of the actors through dialogues facilitated by experts.
Effective documentation, experience capitalisation and sharing of lessons and good practices among and between various actors.

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Projects Completed


Happy house holds