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  • info@adefo-map.org
  • Plot 27, Serere Rd, Soroti City

Katakwi RoHO

Katakwi Ray of Hope (RoHO) is a community based registered NGO with its headquarters located in Katakwi town council. RoHO has been in existence since the year 2010 with registration No INDP0002258NB with the NGO board, with its partnership oriented approach that focuses on securing partnership resources from the established development partners to support deliver the strategic development aspirations, goal and vision.

” We exist to improve the lives of vulnerable people and the entire community of Katakwi district

The organisation was formulated as a result of reflection of challenges that the communities of Katakwi face in terms of addressing the socio-economic gaps that exist in the community. In this regard, RoHO works with community structures like women, men, youth, and children, HIV/AIDs, PWDs and small holder farmers to share and manage community needs, challenges and concerns. RoHO is comprised of general assembly, board members and the secretariat who operate on the policy model of organisation governance and management.

Our Core Values

  • Honesty

  • Accountability and transparency

  • Respect

  • Effective collective participation

  • Team work

  • Professionalism

  • Justice

Our Mission

To work with the vulnerable communities to improve on the agricultural production, education, Human Rights advocacy and environmental conservation for sustainable development”.

Our Vision

RoHO envisages to have; “a community that is literate, free from poverty, hunger, disease, violence and injustice”, where everyone enjoys life with dignity.

RoHO distinctive approach of work

  • Taking side with the poor people to make a difference in their conditions.

  • Acting locally – exploit the available local financial and human resource opportunities

  • Pro poor people Partnerships and coalition

  • Rights based approach – people centred and community led interventions

RoHO’s Objectives

  • To increase community’s ability to respond, adopt and develop resilience to climate change and emergencies

  • To support orphans and vulnerable children to access quality education through sponsorship, lobby and advocacy and access to HIV/AIDs health services

  • To strengthen women, men and youth small holder farmers’ capacity on production to enhance food security and increased household food security and incomes.

  • To enhance access to education through sponsorship, lobbying and advocacy.

  • To provide a forum for interaction between the members and other stakeholders through seminars, social gatherings, conventions and such other activities that may promote this objective.

  • To promote human rights awareness through lobby and advocacy.

  • Enhance and Participate in community-based development activities through development of linkages with Strategic Partners.

Find Us

P.O.Box 69 Katakwi Plot No 38 Katakwi a long Usuk – Toroma road.
TEL: +256 – 703394363/783 813 316/776709934
Email: rohkatakwi@gmail.com
Website: www.katakwiroho.org

Target Groups

 RoHO delivers its programmes to Women, men, girls, youth, PLHIV, youth, elderly and PWDs of Katakwi district.

Our Focus

To improve the lives of vulnerable people and the entire community of Katakwi district