• +256772000000
  • info@adefo-map.org
  • Plot 27, Serere Rd, Soroti City


Teso Private Sector Development Center (TESOPS) is a registered Company Limited by Guarantee without a share Capital that provides capacity Development services in the eight districts of Teso sub region (Soroti, Kumi, Katakwi, Kaberamaido, Amuria, Bukedea, Serere and Ngora).
 The Centre started as a Program of Government of Uganda and United Nations Development Programme in 1998 under the 1st Country Cooperation Framework (CCF) focuses at promoting: Private Sector Development for Sustainable Human Development Programme for Poverty Eradication.
The beneficiaries of the centre services include CBOs, local governments, active poor owners of micro and small enterprises, people with disabilities, women, youth, IDPs and people living with HIV/AIDS.
TESOPS is promoted, by 39 organizations/ institutions, local governments from 8 districts of Soroti, Kumi, Katakwi, Kaberamaido, Amuria, Bukedea, Serere and Ngora of Teso sub region.
TESOPS is currently implementing a project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA) responsible for the Establishment of Community Savings and Credit Groups (CSCGs) from 2018 to November 2021.TESOPS is working in the four Districts of Teso Sub region of Soroti, Serere, Amuria and Katakwi respectively

The Centre has been mandated by its Memorandum and Articles of Association to serve as an effective hub for delivering capacity building services for poverty eradication, Good-governance, human rights, Climate change and environment stewardship, Public Health on a sustainable basis in Teso sub region and beyond.

TESOPS operates under the following values;

  • Integrity

  • Employee development

  • Equal Opportunity

  • Innovation

  • Mutual respect

  • Customer satisfaction

Our Mission

To provide capacity development services (including business development services) that empowers individuals, communities, micro, and small enterprises to undertake activities that empower them to move out of poverty and lead better lives.

Our Vision

To become a high quality, demand-driven capacity development service provider that delivers services in an efficient, cost effective manner, on a sustainable basis.

Operational modes

The service delivery of the Centre is based on two major orientations: Development and Commercialization.
Development orientation The centre provides sustainable development services, taking into account cross cutting issues of gender, environment and HIV/AIDS, and ethics and integrity. In pursuance of this objective, the Centre works with other UNDP programmes and projects; other government programmes and projects; development organizations and donors.
Commercialization—The Centre provides demand- driven business development services on both cost sharing and commercial bases without losing track of its mandate to contribute to poverty alleviation. The implementation strategy employed in this orientation is partnership with private sector organizations, relevant government institutions and donors.

Our Objectives

  • Provide capacity development services to individuals and organizations in both public and private sectors, which empower them to undertake activities that improve the incomes and livelihoods of individuals and community

  • Provide microfinance   development services that include training of Board and staff, audit, microfinance systems development and technical supervisions, monitoring and backstopping

  • To provide consultancy services in the areas of Business Development, Information Technology, Entrepreneurship, Micro Finance and Community health programmes etc.

  • To foster partnership with other development partners in terms of capacity building and funding.

  • To provide Technical Skills Training (Food Processing, Bee keeping, animal husbandry, Crop farming among others).

  • To provide  Business Information , ICT training and  Internet Access point

Find Us

Solot Avenue Plot 22 – Market Street
P.O. BOX 573
Soroti, Uganda. 
Fax: 256 – 45 – 6169
 Email: tesopslimited3@gmail.com
Website:                     www.privatesectorcentres.org                   

Our Focus

Provide capacity development services to individuals and organizations in both public and private sectors, which empower them to undertake activities that improve the incomes and livelihoods of individuals and community

Our Mandate

To serve as an effective hub for delivering capacity building services for poverty eradication, Good-governance, human rights, Climate change and environment stewardship, Public Health on a sustainable basis in Teso sub region and beyond.